Friday, January 1, 2010

First Relief Society Meetings for the New Year Announced!


We are excited to announce the first Relief Society Meeting (formerly Enrichment Meeting) of the new year. We will be learning haircutting tips and discussing tips for living a healthy lifestyle. The meeting will be on January 14 at 7:00. Location for this meeting will be announced shortly.

Below is a tentative schedule for 2010 Relief Society Meetings
All meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 unless conditions require a change.
If you would like one of these activities in your home, please notify a member of the Relief Society presidency.

February: Pregardening and Canning
March: Interior Design and Flower Arranging
April: Service Projects—Light House Cleaning and Drop-off of Flower Arrangements
May 1: Stake Relief Society Meeting
June: Manicures/Pedicures and Patriotic Crafts
July: Music and Cultures
August: Computer Skills and Photography
September: TBA and General Relief Society Broadcast
October: TBA
November: TBA
December: TBA

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