We are excited to announce the first Relief Society Meeting (formerly Enrichment Meeting) of the new year. We will be learning haircutting tips and discussing tips for living a healthy lifestyle. The meeting will be on January 14 at 7:00. Location for this meeting will be announced shortly.
Below is a tentative schedule for 2010 Relief Society Meetings
All meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 unless conditions require a change.
All meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 unless conditions require a change.
If you would like one of these activities in your home, please notify a member of the Relief Society presidency.
February: Pregardening and Canning
March: Interior Design and Flower Arranging
April: Service Projects—Light House Cleaning and Drop-off of Flower Arrangements
May 1: Stake Relief Society Meeting
June: Manicures/Pedicures and Patriotic Crafts
July: Music and Cultures
August: Computer Skills and Photography
September: TBA and General Relief Society Broadcast
October: TBA
November: TBA
December: TBA